What a joy it is to host DiAnn Mills, an award winning author of over fifty books, on my blog, Loretta’s Loft. DiAnn was my mentor through my Journeyman and Craftsman studies with the Christian Writers Guild. She is an amazing friend, teacher, and encourager to anyone desiring to learn the craft of writing.
Don’t miss the challenge she offers at the bottom of the page to win a free personalized copy of her new release, The Survivor. It’s packed full of suspense.
DiAnn Mills
The Life I’m Living and the Life I’m Observing
I’m a lot like you. Average in so many ways. I’m a wife, mother, grandmother, sister, daughter, neighbor, friend … and writer. Perhaps the last descriptor is what makes me different from most people. Yet the life I’m living and the life I’m observing are much the same.
I write suspense. That means I look at the world through the eyes of my imagination—and possible crime. Nothing is ever as it seems. People, events, situations all have the potential to leap onto the pages of a book. Story ideas jump at me like mosquitoes in summer. I hear part of a conversation twist it into a crime or a victim’s response. I see people interacting and wonder if someone is in danger. I focus on media reports, and “what-if” sparks a story idea.
I also believe in national and worldwide awareness. One doesn’t need to be a media junky to understand what is going on in the world, country, state, and local news. Developing a habit of diving into real happenings makes me a concerned citizen of this planet—and a better writer. When I talk to those in the world I’m living, I want to contribute to the conversation. When I write in the world I’m observing, I need accuracy.
My participation in the FBI Houston’s Citizens Academy has helped me blend the life I’m living and the life I’m observing. During seven weeks of seminars that showed the role of an FBI special agent and the various departments that prevent and solve crimes, I learned what goes on while the rest of us are busy with our own lives. Wherever I go, whether it’s the grocery story, the mall, church, or the Post Office, I’m more aware of people and their surroundings.
Now my family, friends, and neighbors do view me as a little quirky. I’ve also heard eccentric and bizarre. But I don’t mind. My husband often warns people to be careful what they say because it might end up in my next novel. And I hear the best dialogue at restaurants. Between my active imagination and the world around me, I’m creating stories for others to read. Not a bad swap.
Blending everything about my life makes me a better person and writer. What about you? Is the world you’re living and the world you’re observing different … or the same? Take a look at the shopping scene below. It could be anywhere. Can you construct a crime in the making? In the comment section below, insert no more than three sentences of a possible crime. From your responses I’ll select a winner to receive a personalized copy of my new release, The Survivor.
The Survivor – Zondervan
Information being secretly, as they think, exchanged in the paint department with a CEO of a large cooperation which opens the door to extortion and murder.
Thank you so much for letting me blog on your site!
My CWG email let me post!
Wonderful. Welcome DiAnn!